Separate wing into wing and drum pieces. Toss wing tip. Deep fry the wing to render fat away at 325 degrees. I usually deep fry 30 + lbs of wings at the same time I deep fry my turkey for Thanksgiving. You get about a 30% weight loss on the rendered wing. I fry them longer than you think you should. Nobody likes to bite into a wing and get fat. They may seem over cooked and a little dry but you will plump them up later. I put the wings in gallon ziplock bags and freeze. When needed, I thaw the wings overnight in the refrigerator then saute in a deep heavy pan, like a chicken fryer in 1/4 lb butter 1 pkg dry Italian dressing mix and enough Franks Red Hot to almost cover the wings. You are coating and plumping them now. Saute the wings on med low till the wings start to soften. Put them on a foil lined cookie sheet and heat in the oven at 250-300 degrees. You just want to dry them a bit, maybe 20 minutes. This is the basic recipe. You can add garlic powder or Chipolte Tabasco. I find the basic the crowd pleaser. Serve with blue cheese. People will know you by these wings. I have family that can eat a tray at a time.
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